Monday, February 23, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The head of Yahoo Inc's news and information division has jumped ship to Hearst Corp, as speculation mounts that the Internet company is on the brink of a major management reorganization. Full Article

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An accounting error reportedly led Microsoft Corp to notify some laid off employees last week that they would need to give back part of their severance pay. Full Article

Reuters provides an in-depth look at how the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression is being handled by communities and governments around the world. Full Coverage

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Anger and other strong emotions can trigger potentially deadly heart rhythms in certain vulnerable people, U.S. researchers said on Monday. Full Article

Antibodies protect against bird flu and more 5:46pm EST WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Researchers have discovered human antibodies that neutralize not only H5N1 bird flu but other strains of influenza as well and say they hope to develop them into lifesaving treatments. Full Article

Brain injury raises epilepsy risk for years: study 5:25pm EST

LONDON (Reuters) - A severe brain injury puts people at high risk of epilepsy for more than a decade after they are first hurt, a finding that suggests there may be a window to prevent the condition, researchers said on Monday. Full Article

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The Pakistan army said on Monday it had ceased operations against Taliban militants in the northwestern valley of Swat, and an Islamist cleric asked for troops to be shifted to "safer places" to give peace a chance. Full Article | Video